Module 1: Understanding sexual harassment
Activity: Sexual harassment termsWhat is sexual harassment?
Harassers and victims
Hostile environment
Definitions of sexual harassment and assault
Activity: Myths and facts
Activity: Sexual harassment statements
Laws concerning sexual harassment
Activity: Unacceptable behaviors
Types of sexual harassment
Sexual harassment vs. sexual assault
Verbal and nonverbal harassment
Activity: Recognizing types of sexual harassment
Recognizing and identifying sexual harassment
Behaviors that are not sexual harassment
Behaviors that are sexual harassment
Activity: Recognizing sexual harassment behaviors
Impact and costs associated with sexual harassment
Activity: Reactions to sexual harassment
Module 2: Addressing sexual harassment
Setting an exampleWhat to do if you are the target
What to do when you observe sexual harassment
Activity: Interpreting behavior
What about retaliation
Retaliation tactics
Module 3: Responding to sexual harassment
Employee response to sexual harassment
Supervisor response to sexual harassment
Sexual harassment policies
Complaint investigation checklist
Preventing sexual harassment
Activity: Is this sexual harassment?
Activity: Wrap up sexual harassment scenarios
Personal action plan
This course is designed to help employees recognize, address, and respond to sexual harassment. Sexual harassment happens in all kinds of workplaces, as well as in schools and even in the military. Sexual harassment victims can be of any race, gender, age, class, and employment level. Sexual harassment is a sensitive topic as many women, and some men, have experienced it. It can leave people with a variety of feelings including vulnerability, lack of trust, anger, fear, frustration or being shut down.
Upon the successful completion of this course, employees can expect to gain knowledge and understanding in the following areas:
- How to recognize and identify different forms of sexual harassment including important terminology, who can be harassers and victims, impact of intimidation and hostile environments, sexual harassment myths and facts, laws concerning sexual harassment, types of sexual harassment, how to recognize sexual harassment, and the impact and costs associated with sexual harassment
- How to address sexual harassment including the steps you can take if you are a target of sexual harassment or the steps you should take if you think you are observing sexual harassment
- How to respond to sexual harassment including how to respond to sexual harassment, how supervisors should respond to sexual harassment, and why it's important to have sexual harassment policies
The warning signs of workplace harassment may not always be visible, but the need to understand what they are and to be preventive are just as important. By completing the 30 Bird Sexual Harassment Prevention for Employees workshop, you are playing a big part in creating a work environment that is free of sexual harassment.
About the series
Professional skills—such as the ability to manage work schedules and communicate effectively with customers—are personal and interpersonal proficiencies that don’t depend on technical knowledge but are crucial for successful and efficient functioning of any organization. 30 Bird Media is thrilled to announce our brand new line of engaging, relevant, and straight-to-the-point professional development courseware. From the very start we knew it was important not to simply force this new and different content into our existing IT-specific format. Each professional development course comprises an Instructor Guide, a PowerPoint slide deck highlighting important points, and a Student Guide. Taken together, these training tools empower you to teach these concepts effectively in any classroom or workshop setting.
For more information and access to the PowerPoint files, please contact your 30 Bird sales representative or call (888) 330-9071.
To request the PowerPoints for this course, please e-mail