PMI's Project Management Professional (PMP)® exam has been updated for 2021. Our courseware is intended as a practical guide and companion to all project management processes documented in PMI’s PMBOK® Guide (Sixth Edition) one of the world’s most respected standards for project management theory and praxis. Our PMP content was developed under the guidance of a PMP-certified subject matter expert with many years of experience managing projects for an international corporation.

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PMP Certification: Passing the 2021 Exam R2.0

Now available with exam prep!Welcome to PMP® Certification: Passing the 2021 Exam. This course provides the basic knowledge needed to learn the concepts and skills necessary to pass the 2021 Project Management Professional (PMP) exam administered by the Project Management Institute (PMI). It is intended to be used alongside the PMBOK® Guide, Sixth Edition, which is useful as an ancillary reference and glossary.The new release of this course (R2.0) includes a new chapter on agile approaches to, and tools for, the project life cycle. These methods address projects that require an adaptive project environment, iterative activities, and changing requirements. The standard example of adaptive project needs is that of software development and revision; however, agile methods are used today in many different project environments, from architecture to medical equipment and services. The new chapter (Managing projects with agility) was inserted at the end of the book. There were no other changes to the rest of the content, including the Exam Prep add-on.This course assumes that you have project management and other educational experience, as required by PMI, in order to take the exam. In addition, it’s expected either that you have already applied to take the exam, or that you plan to do so while taking this course or shortly thereafter; this course contains instructions for doing so...


PMP Certification: Passing the 2021 Exam R2.0 EXAM PREP

Exam Prep to accompany 30 Bird's PMP Certification course. To purchase Exam Prep as part of a bundled solution, CLICK HERE.  ..
