Microsoft Excel Online

Chapter 1: Fundamentals

Module A: Getting around

Module B: Workbook basics

Chapter 2: Creating worksheets

Module A: Entering data

Module B: Formulas

Module C: Functions

Module D: Moving and copying data

Module E: Reference types

Chapter 3: Formatting

Module A: Text formatting

Module B: Number formatting

Module C: Alignment

Module D: Borders and highlighting

Module E: Styles and themes

Chapter 4: Manipulating data

Module A: Data entry shortcuts

Module B: Paste options

Module C: Inserting, deleting, and hiding

Chapter 5: Charts

Module A: Creating charts

Module B: Chart types and elements

Chapter 6: Settings and templates

Module A: Workbook options and properties

Module B: Templates

This course provides the basic concepts and skills students need to start being productive with Microsoft Excel Online: how to create and save worksheets that contain various kinds of calculations and formatting.

Students will benefit most from this course if they want to accomplish basic workplace tasks in Excel Online. The courseware assumes students know how to use a computer, and that they're familiar with Microsoft Windows. It does not assume that they've used a different version of Excel or another spreadsheet program before.

To request the PowerPoints for this course, please e-mail

Microsoft Excel Online

  • Product Code: EXELONLN-R10-
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Days of Training: 1
  • $18.90

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Tags: Excel, online, beginnner, beginning, basics, student, instructor, spreadsheets, calculations, data