Chapter 1: Database fundamentals
Chapter 2: Database design
Chapter 3: Tables
Chapter 4: Basic queries
Chapter 5: Forms
Chapter 6: Reports
Access 2016: Relational Database Design gives students a solid start in building and populating relational databases from the ground up. Topics covered in this two-day course include database fundamentals, relational database structure and normalization, and how to create tables, queries, forms, and reports. Both levels of our Access 2016 courseware map to the Microsoft Office Specialist exam for Access 2016. Objective coverage is marked throughout the course.
Students will benefit most from this course if they want design and create relational databases in Access 2016, or if they want to have a solid foundation for continuing on to become an Access expert. If they intend to take a Microsoft Office Specialist exam for Access, this course is a good place to start their preparation, but they will need to continue both courses in the series to be fully prepared for the exam.
The course assumes students know how to use a computer, and that they're familiar with Microsoft Windows. It does not assume that they've used a different version of Access or a similar database application before.
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