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5 Tips Guaranteed to Improve Your IT Test Performance

Let’s face it. Tests are scary.

They’re bad enough when you’re a kid, but they can be even worse when you’re an adult. So much is riding on your performance that they can be downright terrifying. Sometimes, your nerves can get the best of you.

At 30 Bird, we know that the challenges adults face when taking IT certification tests are unique. That’s why we’ve come up with these five hot tips for improving your IT test results.

1. Have a Plan

Like anything in life, you ‘ll do better on a test if you’ are ready for it. Preparing for an exam means planning ahead to ensure that your performance will be the best it can be.

Months Ahead:
Take a course using 30 Bird’s best-in-class courseware. A class is the perfect place to start, but it’s just a start.

Weeks Ahead:
When you get closer to the date of your test, take 30 Bird’s Practice Exams in Learn Mode to know exactly what you’re getting into. In Learn Mode, you get feedback (remediation is the fancy word) to let you know where your weak spots are so you can work on and improve them. Do this several times.

One Week Ahead:
Now take the Practice Exam in Exam Mode. This is just like the actual exam: timed, and with no help. But the platform tracks your results, and you can repeat the exam if you want. This is the best way to know that you’re ready.

Days Ahead:
Don’t burn yourself out preparing in the week before the exam. You’ll need time to relax as well as to study.

Try to get your sleep schedule as regular as possible so that you won’t be trying to cram in extra sleep the day before the test.

Hours Ahead:
Eat a healthy and nutritious meal before the exam. Nothing too heavy, but something that will keep you satisfied.

Collect all of the materials you need and be sure to arrive at the testing site with plenty of time to spare.

Don’t cram before the exam. It won’t help. It might even hurt your performance by making your head swim. Instead, try to stay calm and focus on doing your best.

2. Learn Everything You Can About the Test in Advance

Every standardized test has its own characteristics. For example, some tests reward you for guessing, whereas others penalize you for wrong answers. Finding these things out ahead of time will increase your chance of success.

Useful questions to ask include:

  • How is the test scored?
  • How long does the test last?
  • What score do you need to achieve?
  • How does that stack up against other test-takers’ results?
  • What form will the questions take?
  • How many sections are there, and how many questions should you expect per section?
  • Will the questions get harder as the test goes on or is the difficulty consistent throughout?
  • What skills or knowledge will you be tested on?
  • Any information you can find will help. The more you know, the better you can prepare.

Any information you can find will help. The more you know, the better you can prepare.

At 30 Bird, we pride ourselves on providing you with all of the information you need to do your best. With our Practice Exams, there are no surprises or unexpected obstacles.

3. Stay Current

When it comes to IT exams, staying up-to-date is crucial. An important point of getting IT certifications is to show potential employers that you are on top of your profession. That means that the tests are updated regularly to reflect current IT standards.

With 30 Bird, you never have to worry about having out-of-date learning materials. All of our test preps are on the cutting edge of professional standards.

4. Get Support

Preparing for an important exam can take a lot of time. Sometimes, it can be pretty stressful. That’s why it’s important to reach out to others to help you stay on track and stay positive.

Ask around to see if you know anyone who has recently taken the exam—maybe a coworker or a friend. If you can find someone who has already gone through it, you can ask them about what to expect. They can give you helpful tips and ideas from their experience.

Start a study group. Put out the word at workplaces or local colleges that you’re interested in starting a study group for IT certification exams. If you study with other people, you can hold each other accountable for studying. More importantly, studying with other people means that you can discuss and clear up any confusion or questions that come up as you are studying.

Consult with the team at 30 Bird to find the answers to your questions or concerns. Our professionals know the ends and outs of IT certification exams and are happy to ensure that you have all the information you need. We can point you to classed in your area, and might be able to connect you to other candidates looking for support.

5. Make Peace with Your Nerves

Sometimes, fighting off a bad case of nervousness can distract you from what you’re there to do. Instead of focusing on getting rid of your nerves, which tends to make them worse, try to accept them for what they are.

Your body responds to high-pressure situations with certain reactions designed to keep you alert. Clammy hands, faster breathing, shaking, and sweating are all normal responses to stress.

Instead of wasting your energy trying to fight against your natural reactions, just acknowledge them for what they are and move on. They might be unpleasant, but they’re not worth worrying over.

Stay focused on the goal at hand—acing that exam!