We strive for your satisfaction and guarantee every book will be as it's described on our website. You're eligible for a refund within 90 days if you're dissatisfied with your purchase due to an error on our part or if the book doesn't arrive.

Please see below for information on how to initiate a return.

Incorrect Book/Not As Described/Damaged

You're eligible for a full refund of the purchase price, including original shipping costs, if your return is the result of an error on our part and the product is returned in the same condition in which you received it. If you receive the incorrect book or if it arrives damaged, you'll also be refunded return shipping equal to the original charge. To receive a refund, you must fill our Product Returns form within 90 days of the estimated delivery date and wait for an RMA number to be issued.

Book Did Not Arrive

If your book does not arrive you are eligible either for a full refund of the purchase price, including shipping costs, or to have your original order re-sent. Please contact customer service promptly if your order does not arrive.

In cases where the book is returned to use for any of the following reasons, the refund price includes book price only: incomplete address, unclaimed, returned to sender, or similar.

You No Longer Want the Books

If you decide you no longer need books you have already purchased, you may return them within 90 days of your original purchase. For these returns, if the book is returned in the same condition as you received it in, you'll be refunded the price of the book minus a $25 re-stocking charge. You will not be refunded original or return shipping charges. For this type of return, you must fill our Product Returns form and wait for an RMA number to be issued.

Return Shipping and Credit

Return shipping is calculated as equal to original shipping costs. We recommend that you use a trackable method of shipment; if the book doesn't arrive and tracking isn't provided, the refund will be canceled.

If you originally paid by credit card, your refund will be credited that card when we receive the book(s) back. If you paid in some other way, you will receive credit on your account or a check, whichever is preferable.
